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Concealed Carry Courses


Take it online or take an in-person class? That is the question... Well, one of the questions.

The Straight Truth...

As of January 1st, 2021 Virginia will no longer accept class certificates from online, video or electronic courses. Why? Because being a concealed carry permit holder comes with the responsibility to be properly trained and informed. That's not something you can do from behind a screen in 30 minutes!

Look, we have a responsibility to each other as Americans to be as educated, trained and informed as we can be as gun owners. Let's be honest, we are a gun loving, gun toting society and that comes with it's challenges. But to preserve our ability to continue on as a people with the rights to protect ourselves and shoot for sport we can't give the people that want to ban guns anymore ammunition to fire our way.

When putting the TDS Concealed Carry classes together, which includes INTERACTIVE classroom time as well as range time WITH pistols to shoot AND ammunition AND eye and ear protection AND targets... ALL INCLUDED IN THE LISTED PRICE!... I was trying to understand what a $15 Groupon class could really offer. And in all honesty, not much more than you'd get from a FREE Youtube video, and I have plenty of those(click here).

There's simply a certain level of real interaction that needs to happen because you have questions. I have answers. But it takes a bit of time to make sure everything is covered and everyone is comfortable with the material. Then we head to the range. Sorry, I never understood how some people have a concealed permit and have never fired a gun and never purchased a gun. Which is why I make sure you will actually fire at least 3 different pistols and revolver before I sign off. You deserve to take your first shots in a safe and controlled environment where you can not only learn what to and not to do, but also do it so the right habits are formed and experienced on day one.

If you ever had to deploy your firearm to defend yourself or your loved ones, I'd want you to have as much training before that situation arises. I'd want you to have as many mental considerations to think over and work through ahead of time. There's alot that goes into an effective class, and in this 2-3 minute read, I'm only scratching the surface. But I felt compelled to say this and be quite blunt about it. Whether you take a class with me or another instructor, I urge you to take an in-person class with range time. I want YOU to be setup for success. Without proper training and guidance, that little Concealed Carry Card doesn't mean much. And you may be more of a threat to yourself and others by choosing to carry with less than adequate training. I hope you understand. With care and love...

Be Safe n' Happy Shootin'!!




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